Let your mug be your friend.
YOFA Reminder Mugs talk to you when you lose your way.
You sit down to have a cup of something. What is your mood, your state of mind, your attitude?
Let your cup remind you who you are. Let it silently encourage you to remember how powerful you are.
Abraham teaches us that 68 seconds of pure thought is enough to launch a manifestation. We have so many 68 seconds in a day!
We ponder spiritual notions in meditation, but what about the rest of the day? Let your cup remind you who you are.
Keep the Ho'oponopono mantra going all day long. Let your mug say it with you.
Every moment in the day that you are reminded to "be water" is a moment of great value. Let Bruce Lee strengthen and empower you with his gaze and his wisdom.
Whether you look to Abraham or Ho'oponopono or Yoga, certain messages are the same. Let Paramahansa Yogananda remind you of the power you have to change your own thoughts.
How good to be reminded of this simple truth every day. "The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time..." Can we do it?
*Disclaimer: This is offered for general
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**Financial Disclaimer: This is an
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Copyright 2020 Rebbie Straubing. Legal Information. *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
*Disclaimer: This is offered for general
well being and does not diagnose nor treat
medical conditions.
Testimonial Disclaimer: Results vary and the testimonials may not be typical of other clients' experiences.